List of Thesis Work


1. Ortiz, G., A. Casas, D. Cianzio and E. Riquelme, 2001. Suplementing young bulls grazing tropical grasses with two sources of crude protein. Thesis, Department of Animal Industry, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez..


3. Santrich Vacca D., Cianzio, D., A. Rivera, and R. Macchiavelli, 2006. Evaluation of the quality attributes and chemical composition of beef produced from animals in two age groups. Thesis, Food Technology Program, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

2. Acevedo-Salinas, M., D. Cianzio, R. Macchiavelli and E. Negrón, 2004. Evaluation of the main quality attributes of beef produced locally and imported from the USA, as is offered to consumers. Thesis, Food Technology Program, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

4. Arroyo Llantín, N., L. Orellana, A. Rivera and A. Casas, 2008. Evaluation of the microbiological dangers of ground beef sold in Puerto Rico from local producers and imported from the USA. Thesis,  Food Technology Program, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.